Why you need a protective T-SHIRT when you ride your Electric skateboard or Escooters?
Before we talk about Protective T-shirts, we would like to talk about our brand NOBLEMAN. We are a protective gear brand focusing on electric mobility. Unlike most other protective gear brands, our main source of ideas for design regarding active protection and passive protection, you may have questions, what is active protection? So what is passive protection?

Picture copyright by www.electricskateboardmalaysia.com
Please allow us to explain, most of the protective gear brands that we come in contact with are active protection. Most of protection brands are more focused on the protection level of the protective gear, the comfort of the protective gear, and whether it is convenient to wear. This is passive protection.

Picture copyright by @Neo Moped
The active protection is to minimize the possibility of being hit, and some unexpected situations make it impossible to control your own means of transportation. For example, at night, when you are riding an electric skateboard on the road. Passing vehicles can't see you, subconsciously, in order to avoid cars, you take better control of your electric skateboard, which increases the probability of falling.

Picture by @eboard.escoot
Regarding our design of this Protective T-shirt, we have done a lot of market research and found that people prefer it to look like an ordinary T-shirt, rather than a piece of armor. Also, most people prefer it to be in a sports fabric, so that it can be more comfortable even in very hot summer. So our design direction mainly considers the following points:

Click here to Learn more about Protective T-shirt

- Suitable for different seasons. In the hot summer, when we sweat, this T-shirt can better protect us. In spring, autumn, and winter, we can put on a jacket over the protective T-shirt to protect us and be invisible.

- Regarding comfort, we use high stretch and breathable fabric to cover most of the body. This way our protective T-shirt can fit more closely and adapt to riders of different sizes. For the elbows, shoulders and back areas, we use breathable mesh cloth. What needs to be mentioned is that we use diving fabric (stretch-resistant) in the back area. Since the pad is removable, we need to provide better tensile strength in this part.

- For the protection area, we mainly configure 5 protection areas. 2 CE Level 2 pads on the elbows, 2 CE Level 2 pads on the shoulders, and 1 CE Level 1 pad on the back. We also add EVA foam to the chest area to minimize the time of falling.

- Replaceable pads design, while improving the protection level, we need it to be more convenient to be cleaned and maintained.

- Regarding the strips of the elbow, this design is added to prevent us from sliding out of the protective area when we fall.

- The back acts as a warning LOGO design. When designing the back image, we use the reflective LOGO design, which can increase the safety factor when you ride in the summer night.
These are our quick points about the Protective T-shirt, we highly recommend it for all seasons. This design is convenient, comfortable, well priced, and most importantly safe for all.