Meet NullBlox

This week we would like to introduce NullBlox
This is his story:


Hello, My name is Zachry also known as NullBlox.

I've been push skateboarding for well over 20 years. Picked up my 1st official skateboard in elementary school and never put it down since.

I became addicted to the feeling of accomplishments, setting goals and going beyond self expectations. Skateboarding has helped me to express myself in many ways. I can be happy and ride a nature trail or get mad and grind around a skatepark for a bit. No matter what my emotions for the day, min, hour etc. Skateboarding gives me a way to unleash these emotions in a positive way.

I have also noticed that skateboarders are the most welcoming people I have ever come across. I've watched kids fall than others cheer or even help them up. I've seen skateboarders help others learn tricks or give tips. This kinda sharing and building off knowledge just to re-share is rare to me. This and many more reasons are why I skateboard and can't stop.

Coming from a push board background I have eaten my fair share of concrete sandwiches trying to land tricks. I never consider pads when on a push board but on my electric skateboard it's a must. These boards can hit 50mph+. Mine currently sits at 44mph and you can feel it when you fall.

When push boarding I would have a rule to keep my shirt on so if I fall, at least it's the shirt and not my skin. Electric skateboarding is truly something different in the aspect of road rash and falling. Your typical push boarder gets 15mph maybe 17mph aggressive pushing. Falling at that speed can still mess you up but in most cases it's not much faster than you can run.

Now times that speed by 3 or 4 and now you might understand why pads are a must. Under my jeans and t-shirt are Nobleman pads. They make premium pads that are designed for electric skateboardings needs. I'm proud to be an ambassador for their current and upcoming products.

 Be sure to use his dicount code Nullblox5 he also has a website

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